Wells Fargo Downtown East two buildings

Wells Fargo Downtown East

Helping Wells Fargo to receive the highest LEED sustainability certification possible.

Facts & Stats



Wells Fargo


Market Type


Two diamonds

Square Footage

1,200,000 SF



Minneapolis, Minnesota


Completion Date



Global Impact Stat

52% more energy efficient than energy code minimums.

Stamp of approval from MCE.

We provided design-assist MEP engineering services for this project through a design development level, assisting Wells Fargo in obtaining a LEED Platinum certification. Both buildings are fully lit with LED lighting and control systems, daylight harvesting and systemic energy conservation measures with a two-story mechanical penthouse. Building automation systems and high-efficiency HVAC equipment closely monitor energy use. Water saving plumbing fixtures and control devices reduce water intake throughout the facility. The energy performance of this building is 52% better than the energy code in place at the time of the design.

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