Facts & Stats
Mayo Clinic
Market Type
Square Footage
270,000 SF
Rochester, Minnesota
Completion Date
Global Impact Stat
Level 1 Trama Center
The Joseph Building on the St. Marys Campus of Mayo Clinic was built in 1920. It was originally designed to function as an eight-story bed tower, encompassing 270,000 square feet. The current utilization of the building incorporates patient care units, a surgical suite, and sleep rooms. This infrastructure project suported a major reprogramming and renovation of the patient floors over four years. The reprogrammed spaces include in-patient treatment and diagnostics as well as administrative and business functions.
Rochester, Minnesota
To accommodate this reprogramming, a plan was developed to renovate the mechanical and electrical infrastructure with the following objectives: increase the building life expectancy, allow for higher utilization of the building, provide more efficient horizontal and vertical movement of people, improve thermal comfort, decreased maintenance and improved energy efficiency.
There were multiple interesting challenges associated with this project. The floor-by-floor renovations were designed by a separate consulting team and the design for one of the reprogrammed floors began before the infrastructure renovation was initiated. Additionally, there is a compounding challenge in that the infrastructure project has to be divided into four budget cycles over four years concurrently with the reprogramming and renovation of additional floors.
As one can imagine, this project requires extremely close coordination among the project stakeholders as well as the design teams working on the floor-by-floor renovations.